2022 Guest Artist in Residence

Emma J V Parker

“My intention is to make interpretations of commuters that celebrate the space and time in between what we call ‘living’. Everyone is waiting to arrive somewhere and occupying themselves. This is our time to think, consolidate and adjust to the day ahead.” 



Anne U

“My intention is to create sculptural furniture and articles that exist beyond the limiting definitions of function, with a focus on the experience of objects rather than just their aesthetic pleasure. I am tickled and honoured to be joining the Guest Artist In Residence program where the unrestricted exploration of ideas will lead me to discover a curious and delightfully chaotic world across a spectrum of melt.”


Lucy Be Philips

“I am over the moon to be accepted as a resident at Northcote. My time there will allow me to enrich my practice in a new setting with access to galleries and a contemporary pottery community. During my residency I will create tableware which is reflective of still life compositions, with an emphasis on tea ware and monochromatic surfaces, achieved through slips and terra sigillata.”

Previous Guest Artists in Residence

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