Alexander Esenarro Santafe 10th June – 29th August
See more of Alexander's work here
Sophie Moorhouse Morris 15th September – 5th December
'My residency at Northcote Pottery Supplies came at a really great time. I had been making mostly functional design work and was keen to move back into sculptural work. It's a great luxury to have a residency that encourages you to focus on process and development, it gave me an opportunity to start work on some ideas that had been floating around and make new pieces. Being set up in a space for clay with all the facilities that NPS has to offer was ideal as was being around the enthusiasm and knowledge of the NPS team. I really enjoyed being in a communal and busy working space while also having the option to tuck myself away and work in my own space while watching things happen out the big window.'
See more of Sophie's work here.